How to open .Bin file in Linux

sanket salavi
2 min readOct 8, 2020
by sanket salavi

In this story we will discuss about how to open .bin file in Linux .

Before we get into the topic, let’s go over a quick brief about what a bin file actually is

What are bin files ?
A .bin file is a self-extracting binary file for Linux and Unix-like operating systems. Bin files often used for distributing executable files for program installations. The .bin extension is most commonly associated with compressed binary files. If you try to open it normally, you might not be able to. Even if you do open it in a text editor somehow, you will not be able to understand, as a .bin file is in binary.

Steps to extract and open .bin files

to extract and open a bin file , follow steps mentioned below

1 . Open Terminal

go to applications on Ubuntu or your other Linux Os and search for Terminal . alternatively you can also use the shortcut : ctrl + alt + t

2 . Make the file executable

mark the file executable by using chmod command .

1 | $ chmod +x file_name.bin

this is necessary so by using this we will change the permission to allow executable , if you skip this next step will nor work .

3 . Execute the file

Now execute file using command :

2 | $ ./file_name.bin

in case of permission issue , try executing file as a root using sudo command :

2| $ sudo ./file_name.bin

Conclusion :

That brings us to the end of the topic! I hope you now know exactly how to open a bin file in Linux. Most of the errors that occur while working with executable binary files are related to permissions and can easily be corrected by changing the file permissions or running the file as root.



sanket salavi

Investigator of nerdy stuff !! Programmer , Linux super user , developer ,hacks !!