Basics of HTML !
What you need to know about HTML to get started ?

There is another good news : when you are learning HTML , you do need too much .
You can start with using notepad , a text editor that include in your Windows , Linux . If you prefer other text editors, there is a lot of free software that you can download from the Internet . I recommend use this HTML text editors .
OR instead of this you could get one of those HTML or WYSIWYG editors. WYSIWYG stands for “what you see is what you get.” Think of it as a layout tool that allows you to easily create an HTML page and format it without bothering too much about tags and elements.
So I do recommend hard-coding if you still learning . Hard-coding means to write HTML using a editor . You need to two things to getting started with HTML :
1 . Basic tags and elements
2 . Structure of HTML page
lets get started with
1 . Basic tags and elements

HTML is markup language . As such, you will need to know the various tags and elements that it uses.
Tags usually come in pairs. An opening tag will signify that the browser should treat the succeeding text using that tag’s properties and a closing tag would end it.
For example, the opening <strong> tag and its corresponding closing </strong>tag will render all the text in between in bold. i.e.,
“My name is <strong> Sanket </strong>” will be displayed as: My name is Sanket .
And then there are what we call the “empty elements” or those that work without a closing or opening tag. Empty elements are often described as selfclosing tags .
There are quite a few empty elements such as:
● area ● base ● basefont ● br ● col ● frame ● hr ● img ● input ● isindex ● link ● meta ● param
All of these can stand alone. For example, line breaks in HTML documents are often denoted by <br />.
2 . Structure of HTML page
A browser could start reading HTML page from top going down and from left going right . HTML is very easy and it is logical .
It does follow a basic structure. First, you have to declare that the document is an HTML document. You can do this by using the <html> tag .
Then there are the two other sections called the <head > and <body>of your document.
The <head >is where you put in all the information you want to include about your document.
The <body> is basically the content of your HTML document.
Put in another way, the <body> section is what people see when they view your HTML document.
Remember how you need to close a tag in HTML? You would also need to close <html> ,<head>,<body>, so that the basic HTML document would look like this:

Now you have foundation of creating your first HTML page !
knowing more about HTML tags check this .